Tag 3 PCW 2024

Wednesday, 19 June

Online Event

10.00 - 12.30 CEST

Research funding - an overview

Third-party funds for research are important to conduct own research projects. To successfully apply for research funding, researchers need the knowledge on funding sources, processes, and formalities. In this event, we provide an overview on third party-funding opportunities in Germany and support structures at TU Darmstadt. Participants will be informed about the funding agencies, the programmes and their requirements and the conditions that have to be considered. The target group are advanced doctoral candidates and postdocs of all disciplines, who work on research proposals or plan to do so.


This event has an external registration. Please click here to register.


Online Event

12.00 - 13.00 CEST

The Heisenberg Program of DFG

Do you meet all the requirements to be appointed to a permanent professorship in Germany? If so, you can apply for the Heisenberg Program of the German Research Foundation (DFG). It provides funding to enable you to carry on with high-quality research at the institution of your choice and continue building your academic reputation while you prepare for a future senior academic role.

The Heisenberg Program is directed primarily at those researchers who have qualified for professorship, e.g. via a “Habilitation”, the Emmy Noether Programme, the leadership of a junior research group, a junior professorship (after positive evaluation), DFG project staff positions, and more. Appropriately qualified foreign researchers (who have not yet achieved a full professorship) are welcome to apply as well.

In this info talk, you will learn more about the Heisenberg Program and its four funding variants. It will cover eligibility criteria, steps within the application process, how to write your proposal, and much more. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask specific questions in a Q&A session concerning the Heisenberg Program.



Online Event

14.00 - 15.00 CEST

Karrierewege außerhalb der Wissenschaft: Generalverwaltung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Welche Karrierewege gibt es nach der Promotion außerhalb der Wissenschaft? Wie kommt man dahin? Unser Referent, Bernd Wirsing, hat nach der Promotion und mehreren Stationen in der IT-Industrie einen erfolgreichen Einstieg in das Wissenschaftsmanagement geschafft. Seit vielen Jahren ist er als Referatsleiter für die Generalverwaltung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft tätig – zunächst in der neu ausgerichteten Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (Pressesprecher), dann in der Forschungspolitik (u.a. Leiter Büro Berlin) und schließlich im Referat für Evaluation und Wissenschaftspreise. Derzeit widmet er sich den Themenkomplexen rund um die institutionelle Begutachtung von Forschung (Research Assessment) und der Entwicklung von Reputationssystemen bis hin zur Etablierung von Erinnerungskulturen in der Wissenschaft.  

Im Karrieregespräch berichtet er von seinen Erfahrungen, dem Weg nach der Promotion und Tipps für den erfolgreichen Berufseinstieg.
