Core areas in the RMU Initiative Funding for Teaching
With the RMU Initiative Funding for Teaching, the Rhine-Main Universities (RMU) support cooperations for the development of new, attractive and inter-university study programmes within the RMU. This year's funding focuses on the conceptual development of digital modules, the design and recognition of exams for joint elective modules, and on planning joint study programmes. Funding of up to 40,000 euros can be awarded for a maximum period of one year.
Seminar at the TU Darmstadt. Picture: Jan-Christoph Hartung
The Rhine-Main Universities (RMU) are supporting joint projects for the qualitative development of studying and teaching for the third time this year with the RMU Initiative Funding for Teaching. As in previous years, the RMU Initiative Funding for Teaching has a total of 150,000 euros at its disposal.
The RMU Initiative Funding for Teaching provides funding for cooperative projects involving teachers from at least two of the three RMUs. The current call for proposals places particular emphasis on 1) the conceptual development of joint digital modules or blended learning formats, 2) the planning and anchoring of joint elective modules in the respective curricula of the study programmes of the three universities, 3) the planning and implementation of joint study programmes. In addition to these core areas, the call is open to other topics, so other ideas and projects can also be funded.
Proposals must be submitted by June 28, 2020. The selection decision on the funding of projects is made in the RMU Steering Committee on the recommendation of the Vice Presidents for Studying and Teaching of the RMUs. If approved, the cooperation projects are expected to start in the winter semester 2020/2021.
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