RMU Weeks of Equal Opportunities 2022

As part of the Alliance of Rhine-Main-Universities, the Equal Opportunity Offices of Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and Darmstadt University of Technology are once again organizing the event series Weeks of Equal Opportunity in Research Alliances. The keynote hold by Professor Tomas Brage (Lund) "Biases and Career Paths in Academia" is open to all interested.

Online Keynote: Wednesday, 14th September 14:00-16:00

Biases and Career Paths in Academia

Prof. Tomas Brage | Mathematical Physics at Lund University, Sweden

Academia, alongside universities, runs on the core values of meritocracy, academic freedom and excellence in research and teaching. These values are challenged in many different ways, but the most important threat might come from within: evaluations and selections are not only common and important processes of academic career paths – they are also susceptible to bias. More and more evidence, research and studies show that our

preconceptions are a clear obstacle for the fair process that the meritocratic principle so heavily relies on.

In this keynote, Prof. Tomas Brage (Lund) will discuss bias as a psychological, an individual and a systemic problem that hijacks processes and hinders academic careers. An essential part will be devoted to checklists, tool-boxes and good practices to combat bias in selection processes and foster fair and equal opportunities.



Tomas Brage is a professor of physics at Lund University. He is strongly involved in work on Gender and Science, where he regularly gives talks on “Gender and Physics” around Europe. He is the chair of the section for equality, diversity and inclusion of the Swedish Physical Society and has led or co-led projects on Gender Certification, Antidiscrimination, Core-Values, mentoring for change and Unconscious Bias observers in Lund and beyond.


Join us via zoom:

https://uni-frankfurt.zoom.us/j/64584841660?pwd=VmoycUR2eTdra1JaSGtKSFVuSzBGdz09 (Meeting-ID: 645 8484 1660 |Kenncode: 616021)

The keynote is open to everyone. Registration is not required.

Program "RMU Weeks of Equal Opportunities" (396.49 KB)